# Lifeforce: the RPG - Starforged and Elegy
tags: #thoughts #game/rpg/starforged #game/rpg/elegy
![[Mathilda May - Queen of the Space Vampires.jpg]]
Over on *Reddit*, someone was asking if anyone played **[[Elegy]]**, to which someone else responded:
> [!quote] [chuck09091 on Reddit replies:](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ironsworn/comments/1dbhwh4/comment/l7rhxyy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)
> I was running a game for a while, then just mixed it with starforged and now we playing a space vampires game
Which honestly is absolutely brilliant and to which I had to reply:
> [!quote]
> **Lifeforce: the RPG**. I'm in, but only if I get to take Mathilda May as a Companion.
![Mathilda May - Queen of the Space Vampires](https://youtu.be/0BqXPDKz_sI)
The sad thing is that the more I think about it, the more I actually want to make this happen.
And it's not like I don't have access to both **Elegy** and **[[Ironsworn - Starforged|Starforged]]**, and all of the knowledge necessary to mash them up with ridiculous abandon. Well within my capabilities.
The real question in my mind is whether the world is ready for that level of sheer perverse erotica. Outside of teenage girls writing for **[A03](https://archiveofourown.org)**, of course. They get to write as much disturbing fanfic as they want about being ravished by vampires, or being the vampire doing the ravishing.
Still, there's something to the idea that I will kick around in the back of my head, probably to the world's detriment.
![[Companion - Melinda May - Queen of the Space Vampires.png]]