# RPG A DAY 2024: RPG with great art?
tags: #thoughts #thoughts/RPGaDay/2024
This came really close to being another reference to **[[Lancer]]**, given that it has absolutely fantastic art since the day the book had previews, and every single expansion book or supplement has continued that trend with incredible style and more than you could possibly ask for in general.
But we aren't giving it to **Lancer** today.
Instead, we are going to give it up for a game I almost never see mentioned: **[[Kult|Kult: Divinity Lost]]**.
![[Kult 1st and Kult 4th.png]]
First edition **Kult** is still sitting on my shelf and shows all the signs of being well-loved and well-worn.
Sure, the relatively complex rules for *kung fu action* were bizarre in the context of a game that's literally about the chaining up of the divinity of mankind and breaking free from the illusions, only to discover that the wider universe is a horrible nightmare.
But there was something about every bit of the game I always enjoyed, which Second Edition managed to murder in its crib and filled me with sadness which can never be properly represented in words.
But Fourth Edition, aka *Divinity Lost*, that's a different thing altogether. The mechanics have been churned with [[Powered by the Apocalypse|PbtA]] goodness and left creamy. The layout is out of this world.
But it's the art that really sinks the blade right into your quivering gut. Look at this stuff. Seriously.
![[Kult DR Chained Angel (illo).jpg]]
For good reason that is the cover image represented again on the inside without lettering covering the art itself. Amazing. Boggling. It sets the mood. It's clear. It's beautiful.
Inside the book are plenty of things that are not beautiful, and they are not beautiful in a perfectly appropriate way to the setting. They are actively evocative.
![[Kult DR Opponents (illo).jpg]]
Let's have a little more ...
![[Kult DR Akrasiel (illo).jpg]]
When the game literally hinges on angelic imagery, you are going to get a lot of pictures of angels and stranger things. But even in the bits which aren't deliberately angelically inspired, even in little chunks which are thrown into the layout as mood pieces, there is some real fascinating work.
![[Kult DR Exorcist (illo).jpg]]
Truthfully, I'm just scratching the surface. Every page that you turn in this book is a bizarre feast for the eye. Something terrible or beautiful or both. Something horrifying and disgusting lying together with something absolutely stunning.
If you haven't seen **Kult**, then you probably ought to at least book it if you find it in your friendly local game store. Pick it up, put your hands on it, dig right into the meat of it, claw through it, and see how it tickles you.
The game itself is not for everybody and not for every table. I'll just tell you that up front. Absolutely without question, it is a rarefied taste. I'm shocked that it even had a fourth edition. But damn, it's beautiful and worth looking at.
If you're a collector at all, this is something to pick up.
If you're curious or just intrigued, [Seth Skorkowsky did a video series on the game which is quite nice](https://youtu.be/S0XzMbQwEwU).