# Where Are All the Sci-Fi RPGs? (A Response) tags: #thoughts Harvesting content from my own social media posting because, by Hell, I'm not going to write that much and not _use_ it for my own nefarious purposes. In response to this sheer numbnuttery … ![Numbnutters](https://x.com/arainydancer/status/1851227042521706859) --- I'm sorry, this has to be one of the dumbest things I've read on Twitter lately, and I'm on Twitter a lot. It's up there in the _"Are you high as balls?"_ zone of existence. If there's one thing we aren't hurting for lately, it's science fiction RPGs. Yes, I know it's transparent bait posting, but go with me here anyway because any excuse to talk about good science fiction RPGs is a good reason to talk about good science fiction RPGs. --- ![[Starforged (cover).jpg|200]] Let's start right at the top of the list with **[[Ironsworn - Starforged|Starforged]]**. I still maintain it's quite likely one of the best RPGs released in the last decade, possibly longer. The mechanics are tight, it's playable in groups or solo, and it's beautifully laid out. https://tomkinpress.com/pages/ironsworn-starforged --- ![[Salvage Union Quickstart (cover).jpg|200]] Or, we could talk about **Salvage Union**, which is, yes, out of Kickstarter now, though I link to that because it's a pretty complete description. Giant robots. Thematic structure. Mechanics go in a direction I'm not particularly thrilled with, along with some elements of the setting, but it is solid, well-designed, and very intentional.^[**Interesting side note:** I pointedly did _not_ back this Kickstarter, though I was extremely tempted, because it's consumed by the "corporations/capitalism is bad" trope and I'm just bloody sick to death of it. If there's one thing I'm done with … And I say that as a cyberpunk fan.] https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/leyline-press/salvage-union --- ![[Space 1999 Quickstart (cover).jpg|200]] We are looking down the barrel of a **Space: 1999** RPG release in relatively short order with a nicely put-together preview. The layout is clean and attractive, the design is very nice indeed, and it loves the source material. It's beautiful science fiction. https://modiphius.net/en-us/pages/space-1999?srsltid=AfmBOor3tZVtqQnDqf1Ao9AF4VHwwwlGLTU38HDUgKCLEebox0g1b5iX --- ![[Alien - The Roleplaying Game (cover).jpg|200]] There's a new edition of the **[[Alien - The Roleplaying Game|Alien]]** RPG coming down the pipe, but the first edition is more than serviceable. The layout is flavorful, and it's just a very nice book with some excellent expansions and boxed scenarios available. It's **Alien**. Definitionally, it's good science fiction. https://freeleaguepublishing.com/games/alien/ --- ![[Those Dark Places (cover).jpg|200]] Maybe you want something a little more indie, but in the same space, almost literally. **[[Those Dark Places|Those Dark Places]]** is fantastic. The author is extremely active on social media and responsive. The game is lightweight but has a wonderfully tuned pressure mechanic and it's just high quality all around. https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/337292/those-dark-places-industrial-science-fiction-roleplaying --- ![[Star Trek Adventures - 2nd Edition (cover).png|200]] Maybe dark and gritty isn't your jam, but you want to stay in the licensed property field? How about **[[Star Trek Adventures]]**? Second Edition is published and in my hot little hands, but I have to admit I kind of prefer the **[[Star Trek Adventures|Star Trek Adventures: Captain's Log]]** solo version of the game as a more streamlined, tighter experience. If you're an old school geek, then this is exactly what you're looking for. Who among us hasn't fantasized about being out among the stars in the Enterprise? Okay, I admit, it was fantasizing about being out there as part of Section 31 for me, but… same concept https://modiphius.net/en-us/collections/star-trek-adventures/products/sta-captains-log-solo-roleplaying-game --- ![[Home - Mech x Kaiju (cover).jpg|200]] Okay, you don't want something licensed. You don't want something from what is one of the larger publishers. And you want some game design which is extremely out of the mainstream? I've got your hookup. **[[HOME Mech x Kaiju|HOME: Mech x Kaiju]]** is exactly what you want. You draw the map as part of play, generate the setting itself on the fly, piece by piece, and succeed or fail as you build the narrative. Plus, it comes in a tiny little book. It's perfect. https://www.deepdark.games/home --- If all that's not enough then realize that the **D6 System** Second Edition has just finished its Kickstarter relatively recently and you can look forward to a compilation edition of the wonderful WEG system that powered Star Wars back in the day. It comes with modules for straight-up sci-fi, cyberpunk, and several other genres. Sure, it's a toolkit, but it's an excellent toolkit. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/gallantknightgames/d6-system-second-edition/description --- If you're not seeing good science fiction RPGs, it's because you're not looking. And by not looking, I mean that you don't have eyeballs and probably are going to be on the bridge of the Event Horizon in short order. Seriously, that's just scratching the surface of my collection and not even trying particularly hard.